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Reading the Economic Tea Leaves

An important retirement planning skill is having the ability to “sniff out” the future direction of various factors, such as inflation and interest rates for

Financial Self-Care

Self-care is a popular buzzword, and it’s an important one. It refers to the deliberate choice of thoughts and actions that are good for your

Advice to a Future Widow

Most wives outlive their husbands. Women live longer than men the same age and tend to marry men who are older than they are. So,

Cycle of Market Emotions

Getting emotional about investments can easily lead to poor decisions as investors fall prey to negative thoughts and fears. The chart below helps to illustrate

Owen is married and has two children. He has been working at the same company for over five years and relies heavily on his employee

When investment markets officially hit “bear market” territory in June 2022 – while Central Banks in North America and elsewhere were continuing to raise interest